
The Decade of Silence


Primary Sources


Australian Gallup Polls, "Morgan Gallup Poll Findings, 1971-1980", Melbourne, Roy Morgan Research Services, 1981.

Carson, Rachel, "Silent Spring", London, Hamish Hamilton, 1963.

Crawford, R M, "Australia", Melbourne, Hutchinson, 1979.

Crowley, Frank (ed), "A New History of Australia", Melbourne, William Heinemann, 1988.

Foucault, Michel, "The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences", London, Tavistock, 1970.

Foucault, Michel, "The Archaeology of Knowledge", London, Tavistock, 1972.

Foucault, Michel, "Birth of the Clinic: an Archaeology of Medical Perception", (A M Sheridan, trans.), London, Tavistock, 1973.

Foucault, Michel, "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison", (A Sheridan, trans.), London, Penguin, 1977.

Foucault, Michel, "Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason", (Richard Howard, trans.), London, Routledge, 1989.

Foucault, Michel, "Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews", (Donald F Bouchard, ed. & trans.), Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1996.

Greenwood, Gordon (ed), "Australia: A Social and Political History", Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1975.

Inter-University Consortium for Political Research, "Australian Political Attitudes: Wave I, Sept-Nov 1967", ICPR, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1975.

King, Jonathan, "Stop Laughing - This Is Serious: A Social History of Australia in Cartoons", Stanmore, NSW, Cassell Australia, 1978.

Luck, Peter, "This Fabulous Century", Sydney, Lansdowne Press, 1980.

National Anti-War Conference, "Papers Presented at the National Anti-War Conference held in Sydney, Feb 17-21, 1971", Sydney, National Anti-War Conference, 1971.

Osborne, G, & Mandle, W F (eds), "New History: Studying Australia Today", Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982.

Ritchie, John, "Australia: as once we were", Melbourne, Heinemann, 1975.

Royal Commission on the Use and Effects of Chemical Agents on Australian Personnel in Vietnam, "Final Report, July 1985", Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1985.

Ward, Russell, "Australia: A Short History", Sydney, Ure Smith, 1975.


Journals and Newspapers


Arena, all numbers 6-58, 1965-1981.

Australian Left Review, all volumes 1966-1981.

Australian Journal of Politics and History, all volumes 1965-1981.

Australian National University History Journal, vol. 14, 1979-80.

Australian Outlook, vol. 29, no. 3, 1975.

Australian Outlook, vol. 33, no. 2, 1979.

Debrief, all editions, 1980-1983.

Historical Studies, all volumes 1965-1981.

Journal of Australian Studies, all volumes, 1977-1980.

Meanjin, vol. 39, no. 3, 1980.

Queensland Historical Review, vol. 4, 1971.

The Bulletin, volumes 87-101, 1985-1981.


Document Collections


V.V.A.A. archive collection. Australian War Memorial, collection number PR 87/163.



This page is under construction. I thought it was important not to delay the posting of the rest of this document while I laboured on the bibliography.