A SHORT WORK OF FICTION by Lachlan Irvine Based on the author's own experience
Here is a Glossary of Terms used in this story
Armalite: M16 automatic rifle. Batman: Part of the platoon headquarters group, a soldier assigned to carry out certain duties for the platoon commander, so that the platoon commander can have the freedom to carry out his command role. Battalion: 3 platoons make a rifle company, 4 rifle companies plus support and administration companies make up a battalion. C-rations: U.S. ration packs, one pack per meal. (Australian ration packs were one pack per day). Charlie: Viet Cong (V.C. is Victor Charlie in the phonetic alphabet). Claymore: Command-detonated mine, usually used to initiate an ambush. Clicks: Kilometres. M60: Machine gun. "O" group: Orders group, in which a commander passes on orders to his men. Platoon: Approximately 34 men when at full strength, made up of three sections of 10 men plus a headquarters group. SLR: Self Loading Rifle, standard Australian infantry weapon. Section: See "platoon" Tracer: A bullet which glows, and can be seen in flight, so that the firer can see if his aim is correct. Task Force: The full Australian force in Vietnam.
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