Lachlan Irvine is a doctoral student at the Australian
National University, and is completing a PhD. thesis entitled An Australian Odyssey: The Long Journey Home for Vietnam
He is a former National Secretary of the Vietnam Veterans Association of
Australia, and has held many other positions in the Australian veteran community. He is currently a pensions officer with
the Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia. He served as an infantry soldier with the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian
Regiment (3RAR) in Vietnam in 1967-68.
Lachlan Irvine wishes to thank the New Zealand government for the opportunity
to provide a submission to its inquiry into the health effects of Agent Orange and other defoliant chemicals on New Zealanders.
His infantry battalion worked as a team with 161 Battery, Royal New Zealand Artillery in Vietnam, and respected them as professional
soldiers. He offers this submission in the spirit of the ANZAC alliance.