Before I get started on my analysis of Writeway Research and its highly
dubious relationship with the Department of Veterans Affairs, I want to begin with an important message to every member of
the veteran community in Australia.
If you have operational service, and you lodge a claim with the Department
of Veterans Affairs, the Department is bound to accept your claim unless it can prove beyond reasonable doubt that your illness
or injury is not connected to your service.
Now, this is important, and it is something you need to know!
Writeway Research has no qualifications, no expertise, and no competence
to disprove any fact beyond reasonable doubt. That means that, if the Department of Veterans Affairs has no grounds to reject
your claim except a Writeway Research report, then it has nothing! Do not be put off! If the Department has used Writeway
to reject your claim, then appeal immediately to the Veterans Review Board. Insist that a representative of the DVA be present
at the VRB to answer questions about Writeway. Most importantly, you need to force the DVA representative to explain to the
VRB why the Department believes that Writeway Research is competent to disprove any fact to the standard of proof
required by the Veterans Entitlements Act.
To read the first of my case histories
on Writeway Research and the Department of Veterans Affairs, click on the following link:
The Bastion Case
I have written to the Minister for Veterans Affairs, asking seven questions about
his department's relationship with Writeway Research. To read these questions, click on the following link:
Questions for the Minister
The Minister has sent me a contemptuous reply in which he has refused to answer my
questions about Writeway:
Reply From Minister
Click on the following link to read some examples
of the kind of rubbish that passes for research in reports prepared for the Department of Veterans Affairs by Writeway Research.
Writeway Examples